Security: To enable the level of security, the MALMS Cloud server uses a HyperText Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS) to secure MALMS Cloud Dashboard web site and a Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) network drive alongside with SQL server encryption over Secure Socket Layer (SSL) in client/server communication for MALMS mobile applications.
To minimize the downtime and proactively address any issues affecting server performance, the MALMS Cloud server is monitored by on-site engineers at data centre 24/7/365. Also, data centre has access to redundant high capacity power supplies in the event of major power failure.
- Access to MALMS Dashboard from any location with internet access.
- MALMS Photometric and Engineer tablets upload collected data instantly to the server.
- Reduce IT maintenance time and costs and adds a remote layer of support.
- No need for local IT management systems.
- Customer data protection is achieved through an approved cloud security model.
MALMS Cloud computing has become a part of the future of the IT technologies which will replace traditional stand-alone servers, as their hardware capabilities and data capacities are limited to single locations.